Tools and Helpers for VBPD

Handling Critical Incident Stress

You have experienced a traumatic event or a critical incident (any event that causes powerful emotional reactions that have the potential to interfere with the ability to function normally.) Even though the event is over, you may now be experiencing or may experience later some strong emotional or physical reactions. It is very common, in fact quite normal, for people to experience emotional aftershocks when they have passed through a horrible event.

Sometimes, the emotional aftershocks (or stress reactions) appear immediately after the traumatic event. But, sometimes, they may appear a few hours or a few days later. And in some cases, weeks or months may pass before the stress reactions occur.

The signs and symptoms of a stress reaction may last a few days, a few weeks, a few months, or longer, depending on the severity of the traumatic event. The understanding and the support of loved ones usually cause the stress reactions to pass more quickly. Occasionally, the traumatic event is so painful that professional assistance may be necessary. This does not imply craziness or weakness. It simply indicates that the particular event was just too powerful for the person to manage by himself.

Common signs and signals of stress reaction

Physical stress reactions include: Chills; thirst; fatigue; nausea; fainting; twitches; vomiting; dizziness; weakness; chest pain; headaches; elevated blood pressure; rapid heart rate; muscle tremors; shock symptoms; grinding of teeth; visual difficulties and profuse sweating.

Cognitive stress reactions include: Confusion; nightmares; uncertainty; hypervigilance; suspiciousness; intrusive images; blaming someone; poor problem solving; poor abstract thinking; poor attention and decisions; poor concentration or memory; disorientation of time, place, or person; difficulty identifying objects or people; heightened or lowered alertness and increases or decreased awareness of surroundings.

Emotional stress reactions include: Fear; guilt; grief; panic; denial; anxiety; agitation; irritability; depression; intense anger; apprehension; emotional shock; emotional outbursts; feeling overwhelmed; loss of emotional control and inappropriate emotional responses.

Behavioral stress reactions include: Withdrawal; antisocial acts; inability to rest; intensified pacing; erratic movements; change in social activity; change in speech patterns; loss or increase of appetite; hyperalert to the environment; increased alcohol consumption and changes in usual communication patterns.

Things to Try

For Family Members and Friends

VBPD Tools